Tu-CULT – Cultural Tourism Gathers No Moss

This video was produced as part of the Research Project “Tu-CULT – Il turismo culturale non conosce crisi: strategie innovative di recupero, conservazione e accessibilità multilivello del bene artistico- architettonico per il miglioramento della fruizione intelligente”, Inter-University Reasearch Project, University of Padova (Leader Unit) with Università IUAV di Venezia, selected in the framework of Regional Operational Programme ‘Veneto’ – European Social Fund 2014-2020 – Thematic Objective: Employment and Labour Market, D.G.R. n. 2121 30/12/2015, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Eight (8) 12-month Research Fellow Grants and further complementary funding.


University of Padova | Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering

ReLOAD_Research Lab of ArchitectURban Design [Leader Prof. Luigi Stendardo]

LDR_Lab of Drawing and Represeantation [Leader Prof. Andrea Giordano]

LIM_Lab of Information Modeling [Leader Prof. Andrea Giordano]


Università IUAV di Venezia | Department of Architecture and Arts

Scientific Board:

Luigi Stendardo [Project Leader] | Giorgio Croatto | Agostino De Rosa | Andrea Giordano | Cosimo Monteleone | Rossana Paparella | Stefano Zaggia


Research Fellows:

Alessio Bortot | Cristian Boscaro | Cristina Cecchini | Francesca Condorelli | Maria Rosaria Cundari | Valerio Palma | Federico Panarotto | Luigi Siviero


Network Partners:

Comune di Padova | Confindustria Padova | Forema srl | Leica Geosystems spa


Partner Companies:

Orienta+Trium srl | LTS srl | F&M Ingegneria spa | Drawlight srl | Corvallis spa | Mantovani spa | ICM spa | Contec srl







For further info, please mail to reload@dicea.unipd.it