
After launching a 2020 Autodesk product the following error message is displayed: 

License Error
The License manager is not functioning or is improperly installed. AutoCAD will shut down now.

User-added image


A possible cause could be corrupted C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\AdskLicensingService\AdskLicensingService.sds file.


Verify the below options one by one, testing the product after each:

Option 1 – Update Autodesk Licensing Service

  1. Download the Autodesk Licensing Service – – April 2019 Hotfix from the page Hybrid Sleep or Hibernate power settings impact on Autodesk 2020 product licensing.
  2. Once installed, restart the system and try opening the product again.

Option 2 – If LogMeIn is installed

Disable LogMeIn display adapter

  1. Press Windows+X to open the menu, and choose Device Manager. 
  2. Double-click on ‘Display adapters’ to expand the section. 
  3. If an adapter related to LogMeIn is used, right-click and disable it.
  4. Run your Autodesk 2020 software.

Shut down any LogMeIn related processes

  1. Press Windows+X to open the menu, and choose Task Manager. 
  2. On Processes tab, look for any tasks that reference LogMeIn (there may be several). 
  3. Right-click on tasks and select End task. 
  4. Run your Autodesk 2020 software. 

Option 3 – Verify that the Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service is running

  1. Click Start (or right-click Start on Windows 10) and choose Run.
  2. In the Run box, type services.msc.
  3. In the Name column of the Services console window, find the Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service and check whether its status is Running.  
  4. Right-click on the Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service and select Properties.
  5. In the Properties dialog, use the drop-down menu to change Startup Type to Automatic (Delayed Start) and click OK.
  6. If Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service is not running click on Start to start the service.

Option 4 – If the Autodesk Desktop Licensing Service fails to start

  1. Navigate to to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing.
  2. Run uninstall.exe as admin (right-click > Run as administrator).
  3. Go to C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\AdskLicensingService and move files you see there in another folder.
  4. Reboot the computer.
  5. Temporarily disabled User Account Control in Windows and antivirus software.
  6. Go to the Autodesk 2020 product install folder and open \x86\AdskLicensing (e.g., for AutoCAD 2020 it would be C:\Autodesk\AutoCAD_2020_English_win_64bit_dlm\x86\AdskLicensing). 
  7. Run AdskLicensing-installer.exe as admin (right-click > run as administrator). Wait for the install to complete.
  8. Install the latest updates for Autodesk Licensing Service, ether from Autodesk Desktop App or from Product Updates section of Autodesk account portal.
  9. Click the Start menu and type CMD.
  10. Right-click on Command Prompt and choose Run as administrator.
  11. In the Command Prompt, run the below command followed by ENTER:
cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Autodesk Shared\AdskLicensing\Current\helper\

AdskLicensingInstHelper register -pk 001L1 -pv 2020.0.0.F -cf C:\Autodesk\AutoCAD_2020_English_win_64bit_dlm\Setup\AutoCADConfig.Pit -el US
Note: The example above takes ‘AutoCAD 2020 – English US’ as an example. Depending on the specific product, the –prod_key–confi_file and –eula values may vary. Refer to  Autodesk Licensing Installer Helper tool guide for more information.
  1. Run the software again and perform the Sign In if prompted.

Option 5 – Reinstall the Autodesk Single Sign On Component

  1. Navigate to Control Panel > Uninstall a program.
  2. Find the Autodesk Single Sign On Component and uninstall it.
  3. Navigate to the software installation media (e.g., for AutoCAD 2020 it would be C:\Autodesk\AutoCAD_2020_English_Win_64bit_dlm).
  4. Open the folder \x64\AdSSO.
  5. Run the AdSSO.msi and let the installation complete.

Option 6 – Verify that Common AppData string value key exists and has correct value in the system registry

  1. Open the command prompt (press Windows+R and type cmd then click OK).
  2. Type set ProgramData in the command prompt. Take note of the value (e.g. C:\ProgramData).
  3. Open the Registry Editor (press Windows+R and type regedit then click OK).
  4. Check if [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\Shell Folders\Common AppData] exists. If the key does not exist, add Common AppData string value key with the value from step 2 (e.g. C:\ProgramData).
  5. In some cases, even the 64bit process registry may also be missing. Check if [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Common AppData] exits. If the key does not exist, add a Common AppData string value key with value from step 2 (e.g. C:\ProgramData).
  6. After making changes in the registry, reboot the system.

Option 7 – If Autodesk 2020 version software was installed using Install Now method

  1. Uninstall Autodesk 2020 software from Windows Control Panel
  2. Download the complete software installer from Autodesk accounts portal using Browser Download method
  3. Install it using Recommended installation workflow for Autodesk Products